I think it’s about time I addressed the issue that has come up recently.
I am very aware of the type of artwork, designs, illustrations I create.
I am not a street artist, or at least do not call myself one. If someone labels me a street artist then that is their opinion.
I do not follow any street artist code, namely “You are not allowed to draw like me”.
I believe I can draw however I like, and you should be able to as well.
I am very fond of Mike Giant’s artwork, and in emulating his style to the point of confusion (to some) is something that initially was intentional and a tribute to his art. I study other artists work, and in mimicking styles learn a great deal. I believe I can draw however I like, so far as I do not take someone else work and sell or claim it as my own.
I can take the criticism. It does not surprise me at all, especially when it is almost exclusively from die hard Rebel 8 fans. That’s their prerogative anyways, they defend their own and their leader. I understand that. It sucks that they want to smear my name,
but they also have given me a lot of fans, especially those who take the time to consider my abilities and other artwork. We may not agree on everything, or make the same choices, but they respect my work as well as Mike Giants.
But just for the record, and to give an example as to how far they are willing to stretch this, I have the images below to show where one piece of artworks inspiration came from. The example they have compared it to ( is completely inaccurate. This is true of all the accusations they are trying to make.
In the end, Rebel 8 doesn’t want to have it’s customer confused and wants to have a monopoly on a given style, and since there is never any actual evidence of plagiarism, their best bet is to create a smear campaign. They’ve got a lot of sway and influence and can use that to their advantage, they are after all, the cool kids on the block.
I love to draw and create artwork, and I have no intention of stopping. Take a look around my blog and website and critic my work.
By the way, feel free to emulate/mimic any of my styles of drawing till your heart’s content.
-Adam Jackson

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